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Sitting Spiritually Case Study


Sitting Spiritually are based in Lyme Regis – West Dorset, and are one of the leading manufacturers of garden swing seats in the UK. Their range consists of wooden swings usually with room for at least 2 to sit and enjoy the view. One of the many features which makes the seats, very comfortable, is they are sprung. The chain is not attached to the frame directly but instead is attached to a strong spring. This makes for a much more enjoyable experience when relaxing on the chairs.

A Long History Of Supply

In 2004 the first seat was made. Whilst these worked it became obvious that a spring fastening would provide a superior product. Davies Springs created some samples and from there produced an initial 50.

Davies Springs were our first and only supplier and still remain so today. I reckon we must have bought over 4000 pairs.

Davies Springs Supply Solution

Like many products there are many sellers, but only a few manufacturers. Davies Springs is a family business which has grown up over the past 30-years and supplies a large number of customers. Led by Mike Davies the company enjoys a reputation for finding cost effective solutions to spring problems. Do not allow your products to be compromised through poor spring design and a lack of quality control. New enquiries are always welcome, we appreciate you cannot be expert in everything, however, Davies Springs are passionate about springs and their manufacture. Davies Springs looks forward to being of service.

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